For Christmas this year, I wanted to share my appreciation for my top clients with some fun, functional gifts. I opted for insulated tumblers with their logos etched on them and some goodies to accompany them. I was so happy with how they turned out; I ordered them in colors reflective of each company’s brand. You may be asking yourself, “why didn’t you give them something with your logo on it?” And I’ll be honest, I thought about doing that. But I’ve been giving and getting branded gifts for many years and the ones I actually keep and use are the ones that are reflective of my company or position. Sure, a pair of socks with some random vendor’s logo on them is cool, but do you know what’s cooler? Socks with my logo on them. And I always remember who gave me the super awesome gift that I use every day, so I wasn’t worried about the recipients not remembering who they got it from.

All this is to say, if you’re looking for interesting client/corporate gifts, Post and Prairie can help you create the perfect thing.